Are you ready to retire and relax? Or is retirement just the start of the next big adventure? If you’re looking for the best things to see as your life moves beyond the 9 to 5, read on.

Go backpacking

If you missed out on the thrill of a gap year, it’s never too late to start travelling. Whether you fancy Interrailing across Europe or hiking in the Himalayas, residential park homes give you the freedom to see the world knowing you’ll always have a safe and secure base back in the UK to enjoy.

Learn a new language

If you’ve always wanted to learn Italian and enjoy the opera at La Scala, now’s the time to start. Studies prove that keeping your brain active reduces your risk of Alzheimer’s, so fulfil a lifelong dream and practise your new language skills in Milan.

Start surfing

Find your fitness goals and make them happen. If you’ve always wanted to surf in Hawaii or do a headstand in Goa, now’s the time to enjoy an active retirement in the best of health. Gateforth Park, like all of the best retirement villages in the UK, lets you lock up and leave as you head off for the next adventure. So, what are you waiting for?

Mentor or volunteer

Retirement is a great time to think about giving something back, so find a cause that’s close to your heart and start volunteering. Or try using your skills to mentor young people who are starting out in the career you’re just leaving. It’s a great way to keep active and stay connected across the generations.

Declutter and downsize

Retirement is a fantastic time to get rid of all your excess clutter and enjoy a new way of life. If you’re looking for bungalow-style homes for sale in Yorkshire, Gateforth Park gives you the freedom to see and do so much more knowing you have a secure park home in a gated community to call home. For more information get in touch with us today.